Procostination Is The Thief Of Value

Yes, you are reading this right, procostination, not procrastination is most likely stealing value from your business. What is procostination? It is (apart from a word i made up) the action of delaying or postponing spending money on something that will deliver value. I am sure you have countless examples of where you have seen this or even done it yourself.

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Bicycle fuel is expensive

I have recently started riding my bicycle into the city each day for work. The motivation is a mixture of getting fit and saving money.  I am now saving a lot of money on parking and fuel for the car, however it has become apparent that running a bicycle is not free. Basically, all the exercise makes me bloody hungry and people fuel is relatively expensive per unit of energy content compared to car fuel. A week of driving to and from work would use around 15 litres of diesel and cost around $20.

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How to Stuff an Octopus Into a Suitcase

If you shut your eyes for a second and visualise this, a person trying to stuff an octopus into a suitcase. Arms going everywhere, a few arms go in and then others come out, trying to close the lid, it is just not going to happen. Have you ever been so busy that you feel like this could be you, or are there people in your office that are like this all the time?

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David Plowman – MEC’s Experienced and Versatile Principal Mining Engineer

With more than 20 years’ experience in the coal, copper and gold-mining industries, David is a highly experienced and versatile mining operations and technical professional. He joined MEC in February, 2015 as a Principal Mining Engineer and is highly adept at delivering successful mining projects. Prior to joining MEC, David has held high-level operations and technical roles such as Mining Superintendent at CST Minerals Lady Annie Pty Ltd and Operations Manager and Superintendent Operations Planning at BHP Billiton.

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