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Lets Beat Homelessness – Vinnies CEO Sleepout

On Thursday the 20th of June 2019, leaders in business, community and government will sleep without shelter on one of the longest nights of the year to help change the lives of Australians experiencing homelessness through St Vincent de Pauls CEO Sleepout event.

MEC’s General Manager, David Plowman attended in 2018, where a record 6.9 million dollars was raised to help break the cycle of homelessness and poverty in Australia. That’s: 1,949,673 individual support programs, 689,819 beds and 1,590,554 meals! We have proudly been supporting this CEO Sleepout for the past four years.

This year our Business Development Manager, Andrew Dittmann, will be joining David Plowman in an aim to beat Australian homelessness – because everyone deserves a safe place to call home.

We encourage you to head to this link to donate to the MEC team!