Have you ever doubted your leadership skills, or thought maybe perhaps because you haven’t studied business management you wouldn’t be very good at it? The truth is, we all have the ability to become a leader as incredible as Ivan Glasenberg, CEO of Glencore. Leadership is an important function of management which helps to maximise efficiency and to achieve organisational goals. Leadership is the potential to influence behaviour of others. It is also defined as the capacity to influence a group towards the realisation of a goal. Leaders are required to develop future visions, and to motivate the organisational members to want to achieve the visions. According to Keith Davis, “Leadership is the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically. It is the human factor which binds a group together and motivates it towards goals.”
Here are five easy to follow step to focus on, in order to lead your team more effectively:
1. Communication is key
Clearly communicating to your team what you are trying to achieve, and setting a common goal is critical. Utilising every communication tool and ensuring you do so frequently by using online messaging platforms, email or face-to-face meetings, is paramount for leaders.
2. Lead with positivity
A positive attitude will go a long way to keeping your team motivated. It is important to transform your frustration into a positive and proactive approach. This problem-solving attitude will prevent your team from becoming too overwhelmed or burning out.
3. Be honest, constructive and approachable
Your team will be a reflection of the values you uphold, so it is important to be honest and genuine in your role. Many leaders develop a list of core beliefs and values that they strive to deliver with their team. When there is an issue, it’s important to air it out and squash it early.
4. Tailor your approach
When working with different people, remember that one approach to leadership will not work for everyone. Develop leadership skills that are dynamic and can respond to individual needs. Some team members may prefer to collaborate often, while others work better with a set list of tasks. Take the time to build your understanding of each person’s preference so that you can meet their needs.
5. Walk the talk
There is nothing more powerful for employees than observing the “big bosses” do the actions or behaviours they are requesting from others. Your team will appreciate that you are personally knowledgeable about the effort needed to get the work done. They will trust your leadership because you have undergone their experience.