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Drill and Blast – We can save you millions!

Drill and Blast is one of the leading causes of coal loss in an open cut coal mining operation. There are so many aspects that must be considered as part of the Drill and Blast Engineers design process and it is easy for an inexperienced or time constrained engineer to overlook critical areas. A poorly designed and managed blast can lead to millions of dollars of lost revenue.

Coal Loss 2MEC Drill and Blast engineers have a wealth of experience in a variety of open cut operations and commodities which allows them to challenge site design guidelines and implement the best available practises to suit the local geology. MEC are able to train and mentor site based engineers to fully understand Drill and Blast principles and value drivers to ensure they aren’t repeating old mistakes.

MEC utilises our collective experience to customise Drill and Blast solutions to each client’s requirements. Our advice and services are tailored to respond to the individual advantages and constraints of each mine.

This method helps us to provide a holistic approach that incorporates improvements to design, technology and products to reduce coal loss and dilution. We focus on ensuring our solutions consider the productivity, cost and profitability impacts at a time of low commodity prices.

For more information contact us.